Admission Open for 2025-26 - Contact +91 96064 85137

Department of Pharmacology

Pharmacology is a core branch of pharmacy in the health sciences. Pharmacology is the science of how drugs act on biological systems and how the body responds to the drug. The study of pharmacology encompasses the sources, chemical properties, biological effects and therapeutic uses of drugs. The pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic studies helps to adjust the dose in the clinical wellness

Pharmacy uses the knowledge derived from pharmacology to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes through the appropriate preparation and dispensing of medicines.

Pharmacology integrates the knowledge of many disciplines, including medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing and veterinary medicine. This integrative nature allows pharmacology to make unique and significant contributions to human health.

  • A highly motivated student seeking a rewarding career in the biomedical sciences
  • Interested in making a major contribution to the understanding of both novel and current disease processes
  • Interested in the development of new therapies used in the clinic
  • The department is attached to BGS GIMS research and development department for taking up various research and clinical exposure to students


  • To train students to have a good understanding of Anatomy & Physiology of the Human body.
  • To expose students to understanding the Cellular & Molecular mechanism of Diseases along with their treatments.
  • To cover aspects on Pharmaco-kinetic and Pharmaco-Dynamic aspects of drugs with their toxic effects.
  • To train students on preclinical and clinical researches on drugs


  • High Performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
  • Automated Biochemical analyser
  • PCR
  • Electron Microscopy
  • Digital Microscope
  • Museum with Specimen and models
  • Eddy’s hot plate analgesia meter
  • Analgesiometer (Tail flick method)
  • Electro- convulsiometer
  • Rota rod
  • Actophotometer
  • Centrifuge
  • Chemical balance
  • Digital telethermometer
  • Pole climbing apparatus
  • Computer simulated software for physiology and Pharmacology experiments
  • Human skeleton system and student organ bath/ Polyrite.